Hey people of book Earth! So sorry this is a few days late, I've been a little busy lately. Today I have a book haul and my wrap-up for October! I didn't read that many books in October so I'm including my wrap-up with my book haul. I have a ton of books to haul so let's get started! (I'm going in the order of when & where I bought them)
1. Local bookstore: Thirsty by M.T. Anderson and Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
I bought these at my local bookstore toward the beginning of October. Thirsty is about a guy who gets bitten and is turned into a vampire, so he must figure out how to live his life this way. I haven't read it yet. I also haven't read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone books yet, so I can't really tell you anything about Dreams of Gods and Monsters without potentially spoiling it for the people who also haven't read it yet.
2. BookOutlet (beginning of October): The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Winger by Andrew Smith, Foretold by various authors, The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan
I really don't know much about any of these books, so I won't be able to tell you much.
The Bane Chronicles: a bunch of short stories about an amazing (and possibly my favorite) character from The Mortal Instruments series, Magnus Bane. It includes stories like The Midnight Thief and What Really Happened in Peru.
Winger: a book about a 14-year-old junior named Ryan Dean West who is on the rugby team at his school and has to deal with his day-to-day life of being picked on as "Winger".
Foretold: a bunch of short stories by different authors about prophecy and magic that was edited by Carrie Ryan and includes stories by Kami Garcia, Meg Cabot, Carrie Ryan herself, and more.
The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places: the last 2 books in the Forest of Hands and Teeth series.
3. Amazon: Stand-Off by Andrew Smith, Game and Blood of My Blood by Barry Lyga
Stand-Off: the sequel to Winger!
Game and Blood of My Blood: the second and third books in the Jasper Dent trilogy, about a boy named Jazz who is the son of the nation's most notorious serial killer. In this series, he hunts other killers like his dad to prove to himself and others that he won't become a killer like his dad.
4. BookOutlet (end of October): The Search for WondLa by Tony DiterLizzi, The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare, Between the Lines by Samantha van Leer and Jodi Picoult, Bruiser by Neal Shusterman
The Search for WondLa: I have no idea what this is about, but I watched a video by Regan from PeruseProject on youtube where she recommended this book so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'll link her video below.
The Shadowhunter's Codex: for those of you who've read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, you probably know what this is. This is basically a book giving the basics to Shadowhunter life; the Accords, demons, Downworlders, what to do when you meet a Downworlder, weapons, that kinda thing. I was so excited to get this so I can learn the ways of the Shadowhunters and get to know their lives better.
Between the Lines: this is about a girl who re-reads a fairy tale that she's loved for years, and then one day she realizes that the "prince charming" in the book can see her and talk to her. He falls in love with her and she with him. It sounds so strange, but it's also every book fangirl's dream pretty much. I am so excited to read this soon, I wanna know how this works out!
Bruiser: I love Neal Shusterman and I haven't heard that many people talking about this book, but I saw it on BookOutlet so of course I had to pick it up. It's about a girl who starts dating the weird kid Brewster "Bruiser", and realizes he's not as strange as people think; he's stranger. It's got some supernatural stuff in it so I think this will be a regular old Neal Shusterman book for me!
5. Local bookstore: Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier, The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan, Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer, This Book Loves you by Pewdiepie, and Atlantia by Ally Condie
Zombies vs. Unicorns: an anthology of short stories written by various authors about zombies and unicorns, but each author is on a different side. Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier (Scott Westerfeld's wife) edited this book, Holly editing team unicorn and Justine editing team zombie. It sounds like so much fun! What side are you on?
The Sword of Summer: the first book in a new series by Rick Riordan, set in the same universe as Percy Jackson. It deals with Norse mythology and is about Annabeth's cousin, I believe, whose name is Magnus Chase. I've heard that Annabeth makes an appearance and I'm super stoked for this series!
Life and Death: this is the 10th anniversary edition of Twilight. Half the book is the original Twilight, but once it ends, it stops in the middle and you have to flip it over to read Life and Death, which is a reimagining of Twilight with swapped genders. Weird, right?
This Book Loves You: I bought this solely because it was written by Pewdiepie. Seriously, who doesn't love Pewdiepie? This book is filled with stupid, hilarious quotes made by Pewdiepie, like, "The only reason your dog likes you is because you give it food." I love it!
Atlantia: a book about mermaids, basically.
Wrap-Up time!
1. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare: the last book in The Infernal Devices trilogy. Not giving a summary because spoilers! 5/5 stars, this book was so fantastic! The fighting was epic and so was the ending. I cried reading the epilogue. I couldn't handle that kind of pain. Definitely recommend this series!
2. Edgewood by Karen McQuestion: I got this one sent to me by the author and have a review for it posted on my blog so go check it out. 4/5 stars.
3. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare: I suggest you read the first 3 books in The Mortal Instruments before reading this review. Basically, Clary and Jace are finally able to call themselves an actual couple! But someone's murdering Shadowhunters and with Simon bearing the worst curse he could ever want to bear, many are after him as well. I really enjoyed this book and being able to continue the story of Clary, Jace, and the other Shadowhunters made me so happy. 4/5 stars. :)
Well guys, thanks for hanging in there for this super long blog post!