Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mechanica book review

Ah, here we are for the second round of book reviews.

I recieved an electronic ARC of Mechanica by Besty Cornwell from Houghtin Mifflin via NetGalley for review, and I must say, it had a lot of similarities to Cinder by Marissa Meyer. That being said, the book was still great.

Nicolette learned mechanics from her mother as a child, and when her mother died, she kept learning and became a great mechanic. Her father married another woman a few years later, and she ended up with a rude stepmom and two stepsisters. Her father dies, and the others are left to take care of her. Her stepsisters call her "Mechanica", which I guess the name fits! A technological expo and the royal ball are coming up, so she decides to prove her worth by winning the heart of the prince and bringing excitement to the technological entrepreneurs.

I wasn't sure I would like this book when I read the description, I thought it was going to be just another "Cinder" or retelling of Cinderella. Boy, was I wrong. This story is powerful, and I absolutely love fairy tale retellings. One of the reasons I was drawn to this book was the cover. I mean, wow. That cover was beautiful.

I guess another reason I was so drawn to it was because I assumed it was just going to be someone's remake at Cinder. I was also wrong about that. Mechanica is its own story, Nicolette is her own person. This book was just... *sigh*. I don't think there's much more I can say. Just get the book. It releases August 25th. Get it. Love it. Trust me, you won't regret it. 4/5 stars.

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